I was 145 Kg, 185 cm with a BMI of 42.
I lost 63 kg in 15 months.
Now I am 82 Kg. I lost 106 % of my excess body weight with a new BMI of 24.
After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.

I am a Pharmacist and I have a good medical background regarding obesity operations. I went to many obesity surgeons in Egypt to complete the information on the process. In the end I went to take all the information about the operation from Dr. Mohamed El Masry and he had explained to me all the advantages and disadvantages of weight loss operations during the first visit to the clinic. We choose the appropriate process for my case together. In the end we chose the sleeve gastrectomy operation and this based on certain scoring system and the nature of food habits and my weight. Without hesitation I made the necessary tests and investigations and took the decision to make the operation.

The operation was done about a year and a few months ago and my life completely changed during this period, day by day. I have become easier in movement and my job performance became better. I did not hesitate for a moment to do the operation and few months ago, I bring my mother to do the same operation.


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